
The AKC has an exciting new title open to all AKC dogs. The AKC Therapy Dog title, or THD will reward dogs and their owners that have provided ongoing community service to help improve the well being of others.
As you know, the AKC annually recognizes an outstanding Therapy Dog as part of the annual AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE). They receive so many great nominations know there are many more dogs out there that deserve recognition.
The AKC has also received many requests from the fancy to award titles to therapy dogs as a way to recognize the great work their dogs do.” Additionally, earning a THD title builds on the skills taught in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and Canine Good Citizen programs, which create a sound and friendly temperament needed by a successful therapy dog.
The AKC will not certify therapy dogs. Instead, they are working with therapy dog certification organizations to recognize the work done by therapy teams. The certification organizations are the experts in this area and their efforts should be acknowledged and appreciated.
The title will be open to all AKC dogs that have completed a series of criteria. To qualify, dogs must be certified by a participating therapy dog certification organization and have performed a minimum of community service visits.
To obtain a title an owner must complete an application along with evidence of documented visits. Application forms are available on the website at
Our club is proud to support the work that therapy dogs perform and we believe none does it better than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!
Would your dog make a good therapy dog? Take the Pet Therapy Questionnaire to find out.
There are several organizations but most of Cavalier’s therapy dogs are members of Therapy Dogs Inc, Delta Society International, Inc., Therapy Animals, Inc., and/or Therapy Dogs International. All dogs are AKC Canine Good Citizens. The goal of the dog & owner therapy team is to share special dogs with others, to bring happiness and cheer to young and old alike. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s sweet and loving temperament makes them a perfect therapy dog!