Board of Directors

Meet our Current Board of Directors and others serving GLCKCSC


Kathy and Wags Specialty

President – Kathryn Yonkers

Kathryn Yonkers is an AKC Breeder of Merit of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with over twenty years’ experience in the breed. She has proven dedication to the breed by service. On the national level, Kathryn is a voting member of the AKC Parent Club, The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club. In the parent club, she has serves as a member of the health committee for last 12 years. She has written breed articles for parent club publication, The Royal Dispatch Magazine and also The Universal Cavalier Magazine. Ms. Yonkers was a Trustee with the ACKCS Charitable Trust for over 10 years, and is a Grand Donor Founding Partner of the Trust. In addition, Kathy is being recognized and honored in the Royal Dispatch as a rescue scholarship sponsor of the ACKCS Rescue Trust, Inc. Ms. Yonkers is the owner of the “All About Cavalier’s Forum”. This forum is a private international CKCS breed discussion list for Cavalier’s show owners, breeders and breeder-judges. On the local level, Kathryn served as the founding President of the CKCSC of Greater Kalamazoo (currently name the Great Lakes CKCSC, Inc.) during its two years of development. She is currently serving the President of The Great Lakes Cavalier King Charles Club, Inc. Professionally, over the last forty years, Kathy has been devoted to sharing her knowledge through practice, instruction, research and leadership; contributing to the areas of dentistry, education, emergency preparedness, primary and public health. Kathy has served as a university professor, academic advisor, researcher, mentor, and consultant, grant writer, clinician, emergency preparedness coordinator and continuing education presenter & course developer. Ms. Yonkers is a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority and former president of the University Panhellenic Council (UPC)


Vice President – Brenda Bromley

Coming soon…




Treasurer – Vicki Clark

Vicki Clark is the Treasurer and charter member of the Great Lakes CKCSC club.  She is a retired Registered Dietitian having worked 35 years in the field of Public Health Nutrition, University Food Service, and Hospital Dietetics.  She was the first woman in the country to reach the rank of Cadet Colonel in a University Army ROTC program, and retired from the Medical Specialist Corp, US Army Reserves as a Lt. Col. after 20 years of service.

Vicki and her husband Bruce live in Coldwater, Michigan and have been raising and showing Cavaliers for the past 11 years.  They have achieved 3 Breeder Owner Handler medallions and have finished one home bred girl to her grand championship as well as one boy to his Grand Championship.



Secretary – Teresa Silva

Coming soon…




Director – Kari Selinger

Kari Selinger was clinically trained as an Athletic Trainer specializing in Aquatic Therapy following college at Central Michigan. Having been raised with German Shepherds and other large breed dogs, it was in 1997 when Kari began her dog training business that Cavaliers entered her life. She made dog training her full time career in 2002 with a focus on behavior issues and performance. Professionally she is a member of the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, certified agility instructor, founding member of German Shepherd Rescue of MI, and active foster home for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Personally Kari has put advanced performance titles in agility, obedience, rally, tracking and Schutzhund on more then 15 German Shepherds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Currently home to six CKCS. Among them is Trinket, AKC’s Top MACH dog for 2013, the first and only Cavalier to earn the award. Trinket was also a finalist at the 2014 AKC Agility Nationals and Agility Invitationals. Kari is the proud mother to a high school son Clayton and has been with her husband Chuck for over 25 years. She lives and trains at her home in Ceresco with her six Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and three German Shepherd Dogs.


Director – Joyce Quinlan

Coming soon…




Breeder Referral / Webmistress – Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee is the Webmistress and Breeder Referral contact for the Great Lakes CKCSC.
Just out of high school was Jennifer was blessed to earn a full tuition scholarship to attend college. In 1996 she graduated college on the Dean’s List for Industrial Design. Upon moving back to her home town of Traverse City, Michigan she accepted a job as a Production Manager for an Industrial Trade magazine. In 1999 after the birth of her second son she decided to devote her time to being a stay at home mom. Her and her husband had 4 children and adopted 3 more into their family. Jennifer housed rescue horses and served as the Director for Horse North Rescue Inc. a 501c3 nonprofit for 7 years. Upon seeing the healing that happened in her adopted children while rehabbing broken horses she became interested in the validity of animal therapy. Her years of equine rescue and teaching prepared her for a new direction in life. In 2012 she began pursuing her dream of Equine Assisted Therapy and Therapeutic Horseback riding. In 2013 she helped birth the vision of Reining Liberty Ranch a 501c3 nonprofit that serves area Veterans and others in need using the horse/human relationship as a catalyst for healing. Jennifer currently serves at Reining Liberty Ranch as the Stable & Instructor Coordinator, Relational Horsemanship Instructor and is a member of the Board of Directors. Jennifer has always had a passion for animals and helping people so merging the two was natural. The Lee family inherited their first cavalier from a breeder friend. Jennifer became interested in breeding and showing in AKC Conformation classes. Her children had shown in 4H Agility and Rally for over 10 years, but AKC Conformation was new to them. Jennifer joined the Great Lakes CKCSC Club in 2014. She began helping with flyers and graphic design related projects in the club.
In 2014 the Lee family became a foster home for Cavalier Rescue USA after a large commercial breeder was rumored to have over 98 Cavaliers go to auction. (Their first 2 fosters came out of that auction). In 2015, Jennifer was blessed with the opportunity to combine her love of cavaliers, photography & design and began to reconstruct the Great Lakes CKCSC website that launched in 2016. Jennifer’s love of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as an exhibitor and small breeder propels her to give back to the breed.


