The word obedient means to comply with the direction or command given by the handler. For a dog to be considered obedient, rather than simply a dog that has received training, the dog must respond reliably each time the handler gives a command. Obedience competitions were formed with the objective to showcase a dog that has been trained to behave at all times and in all situations, in the home, in public, in the presence of other dogs or people.
In obedience competition the handler is directed by a judge to ask their dog to perform certain skills. The team is judged against a standard of proficiency, and they must perform each skill with the accuracy to earn a total score of 170 out of 200 to earn a qualifying score. The dog and handler team must accomplish this three times to earn a title. The skills required for the Novice level include, heel, sit, down, stay, stand for exam, and recall. Some of the more advanced skills include directed jumping, scent work, responding to signals instead of verbal commands, and drop on recall.
American Kennel Club-AKC
United Kennel Club-UKC
Association of Pet Dog Trainers-APDT
Canine Works and Games –C-Wags
Canines and Humans United-CHU
AKC Obedience Titles:
CD- Companion Dog
CDX- Companion Dog Excellent
UD- Utility Dog
UDX-Utility Dog Excellent
OTCH-Obedience Trial Champion